Saturday, February 20, 2010

What to do this morning...another irrelevant post.

I've moved all my images to my current domain, a fairly unused webspace,

I think I prefer the images here rather than on blogger because they re-optimize/re-size images. Somewhat useful. Somewhat annoying.

Ugh, looking at really makes me feel the need to do a new site. I did the above in 2 days (design and dev) during exam time in 2006 because I was applying for a web job and only had 2 days notice before I had to show them something. In 2006, my 2003 site (azn_prometheus) was simply too old and sh!tty to send.

It's funny how at work, I can code an HTML mockup in like, 1/2 a day easy. I pride myself on my HTML page creation speed, browser compatibility, easy to read source, etc. I work fast, I'm accurate, I'm frakkin' good. However, it takes me forever to do/code my own site...I guess there are distractions at home and no deadline so it's easier to procrastinate. Also, despite having a general idea of the site I want, having to design it, while really fun, kills the developer in me. My design side and development side are always fighting.

Anyways, I think I'll write one more blog this morning. Something that's been on my mind recently. I find that I'm always either writing right when I wake up, or during my prime awake times (right before I sleep).

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