Wednesday, January 27, 2010


These last 3 weeks, I've tried my best to use every moment in some sort of productive way. I've been dubbed "Productive Warren" and I enjoy the title. While it will be impossible to catch up on the 397 days of playtime from World of Warcraft (yes, you read that correctly, 397 DAYS OF PLAYTIME) since March 2005, I'm really doing my best to live each moment to the fullest. Ugh, how cliché.

I've set certain goals out for myself for the near future. I figure as long as I stay in productive mode, I will slowly but surely accomplish them. The enemy, as always, is time.

****SIDE NOTE****
One of the reasons why the Flash is one of my favorite superheroes ever is because he has infinite time. He takes naps while fighting criminals. He runs errands in seconds. He reads books in seconds. It's a power that I always wished I had. Regardless of whether or not he's productive, for him, time is hardly an enemy.

I'm not sure if it's because I'm getting old or not, but my old philosophy of staying up late to do work doesn't seem to apply anymore. While it's possible to do this for a short period of time, I'm finding that maintaining this pattern long term results in a dull mind. After I've re-read the same sentence over 3 times, failed to determine it's importance, I know that my mind is dull and I should just stop. I have to avoid that type of scenario because although I'm awake, I'm not productive. In the future, I will attempt to try getting more sleeping so that my mind is sharp.

It's counter intuitive because more sleep = less time but if the productivity is better because of the sleep, it could have better results. I'm aware that the last few paragraphs might seem obvious to some and that they may have figured this out years ago but for me, in the past, I always believed my mind and body could push through it.

Time. You are the enemy. I won't ever defeat you. But maybe I can use you.
If we work together...maybe we'll become friends.

****SIDE NOTE****
I just realized that this might be one of the reasons my favorite movie is Back to the Future. If properly done, time is not the enemy here either. Hm, I've given myself something to consider...I will evaluate this new thought.

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